
Intel Galileo

今天颱風天, 不知道為什麼手很癢, 到了良興電子去採購
目標是是想買Intel Galileo這片板子
上頭的CPU是 Intel Quark SoC X1000 (16K Cache, 400Mhz)
為什麼突然想買呢? 這顆core很接近小時候的Pentium 133 (P54C)
那時候的P133使用600nm (0.6um)的製程, 賣得真是不便宜 (>5000)
最後因為預算, 就買了Cyrix的CPU回來裝, 想想是好久以前的事了...

Intel Quark就是P54C的core, 搭配現在的32nm製程
600nm -> 32nm, 真是驚人的微縮幅度, 速度也上了400Mhz
我想買的原因, 大概是想一圓小時候買不起的P133吧 (笑)
不過最後結賬時, 我拿了Raspberry Pi, 這又是另外一個故事了 XD


It was typhoon day and I was forced to stay at home. I don't know why, but I just wanna buy something. So I went to 良興 electronics in Hsinchu NOVA. The target was a electronic board "Intel Galileo". It equipped Intel Quark SoC X1000 (16K cache @ 400 Mhz).

Why did I want to buy the board? Because the CPU-core is similar to Pentium 133 (P54C) as I was junior high school student @ 1995. The processor was made with BiCMOS node at 0.6um (600nm). The price was too high (>5000NTD) for me to afford. I want to a new computer badly at the time. Eventually, I bought Cyrix 6x86 which was cheaper. Wow, it was something almost 20 years ago.

Intel Quark is the P54C fabricated with 32nm. Technology advances so fast as the manufacturing process (600nm -> 32nm). Integrated so called north/south bridge, along with other IPs, the speed goes to 400Mhz.

The reason, that I really want to buy, is buying something that I can't afford 20 years ago. After 20 years, I would like to have my own P133. But eventually, I bought Raspberry Pi, which is another story...



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